I have dreamed about going to London for so long. I have listened to my family members talk about what their life was like when they lived there. Mainly they talked about walking everywhere, patting down dresses for bombs, dreary weather, smoking, pubs, and being near other relatives. However, I never got to know what the city was actually like. I was shocked by how everything was so close together and how efficient the public transportation system was. When I got home I probably talked about the tube for a solid 30 minutes. I never really mastered the tube map but I did enjoy trying to learn it. Using the public transport was great because it allowed us to see the everyday commute. In the afternoons all the busses and tubes get very stuffed with people, imagine a sardine can, but double the amount of sardines in the can. We also walked a tone, members with fitbits told use that we often walked six to seven miles on average. I have never felt healthier than during the trip due to more...