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Final Reflection - Sierra

Having the opportunity to travel to London with the Post Oak School is one that I will never forget. Not only did learn a lot, but this trip has also changed the way I view history and traveling to a different city. This was also my first experience spending this much time in a completely different country with other people my age and my teachers. So, in addition to learning about landmarks and history in London, I learned social skills, responsibility, and the art of living with other people in a small space. I feel as though I have grown a lot from when the trip first started to now when it has ended. I now feel more confident in myself to be independent and I know I can take on responsibilities, this is all a result of the independence that was fostered in this trip and the responsibilities each one of us had to make this trip go smoothly.

Before this trip became reality, there was a lot of work to be done, most of it done by Callista, Cassandra, and Morgann. They all did a great job to make sure the trip was well planned out. I think in the future, more students should be involved in creating the itinerary and sorting out the details of how we are going to make it happen. I feel like almost all of the responsibility fell on the shoulders of Callista and Cassandra and I definitely feel like I should have helped a lot more. While we did have small jobs beforehand, I ran into the issue that most of what I was planning to do was already done. During the trip, we also had jobs and responsibilities but these were different. For example: cooking, cleaning, creating a shopping list, shopping, journaling, and blogging. I really enjoyed having these jobs because I think they contributed a lot to the learning process and helped us to achieve our goals for the trip.

Another responsibility we had was creating site reports for the places we visited. Making my site report and listening to the other reports completely changed my perspective on touring a place. Having the site reports allowed us to walk into the activity with some background knowledge that help us to further understand what we were looking at. This is one of the only times when I have toured some place and not felt like a “blind tourist”. I felt more connected with the activity and felt like I had a deeper understanding of the material. Researching the where I am going is something that I’m going to use for the rest of my life.

Another part of the trip I really enjoyed was all of the guided and audio tours we had. I learned so much from each tour that really helped me to fully understand what I was walking through. All of what I learned was very interesting and has inspired me to do even more digging into history (a subject that I am usually not a fan of)! It has also inspired me to continue to take tours when visiting a new place instead of self-guiding.

One of the main focuses and goals of this trip was education. To achieve this goal we participated in a variety of different activities to learn about the historical, political, and social aspects of London. Through visiting castles, I learned about empires and the history of kings and queens in England. Through the Houses of Parliament, I learned about the politics and the workings of politics in London. In visiting all of the cathedrals, I learned so much about religion and the importance and influence in has. Additionally, we were lucky enough to see a Brexit protest showing the social aspect of London with how many citizens respond to politics. Towards the end of the trip, we all had a discussion about how in the future we can help to put all of the knowledge learned on the trip together. I think being able to place all of the information on a timeline of sorts would tremendously help to get the full picture of the history and to further understand the reasoning behind some of the things that tooks place. We discussed how in the future, more research should be done and a brief timeline should be known which will help when going into the trip and when gaining new knowledge.

I’m glad we visited all of the places we did because they were all very special and unique to London. Each site had an amazing story behind it that gave us insight on the fascinating city of London. There were a few day that were very busy and therefore we didn’t get much time at some of the activities, but I think that can be easily improved. Overall, I enjoyed every place we went to and I believe they all are significant to us in achieving our goals for the trip.

This experience opened my eyes to many ways of approaching new things, was a great way to learn about famous and historical landmarks, and fostered Independence along with responsibility. I’m so grateful to have been able to go on this trip and I hope it is available in the years to come for other students because it is an amazing opportunity!


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